Remembering 9-11-01. 18 years ago today the United States of America was attacked by Radical Islamist Terrorists on its own soil. The War on Terror is still going on to this day. The World must realize that Radical Islam still remains a threat, and continues to radicalize people with its false and twisted ideology. Radical Islam is NOT Islam. Radical Islam wants its version of the Koran, along with Sharia Law, to dominate the world.

Radical Islamists Terrorists do NOT practice the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. They attack anyone who does NOT believe as them, even fellow Muslims. They preach that any who do NOT believe as them are idolaters, even those of the 3 major religions that believe in God-Allah-Yahweh, the God of Abraham. They believe that they shall enter Heaven and be rewarded with slaves and virgins. They shall never enter Heaven, and the Prophet Muhammad shall testify against them at Judgement.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless The Righteous And Punish The EVIL Ones And Their Followers.
Never Forget 9-11-01 and that the battle continues.

Remember God-Allah-Yahweh shall Judge all of us, and EVIL shall NOT enter Heaven.