In The Beginning.

In The Beginning. Time to look back and learn from the past.

This is just 6 months Aug 2017 to Feb 2018. Remember your history because it can tell you a lot. The United States of America will survive and with the help of God-Allah-Yahweh will see Justice and the Rule of Law restored.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

The Kingdom Of God-Allah-Yahweh.

The Kingdom Of God-Allah-Yahweh. Humanity is a young race created by God-Allah-Yahweh, and placed on a world that He created for them. The Kingdom of God-Allah-Yahweh, is the Heavens, or more commonly called Heaven. Humanity and this world called Earth, are a great experiment, that is always watched and cared for. God-Allah-Yahweh is an immortal being of immense knowledge and power, who is the Ruler-King-God of an Interstellar Kingdom, commonly known as Heaven. This is known through the religions, writings, prophecies, prophets, and messengers, all influenced and sent by God-Allah-Yahweh.

Humanity is being advanced, and the harvest spoken of at the EndTimes is the Righteous being taken off Earth and allowed to enter the Kingdom of God-Allah-Yahweh also known as Heaven. The Righteous will be given the Gifts promised by God-Allah-Yahweh according to the Good Works by their own hands. The EVIL and their Followers will know the Plaques and Hell that God-Allah-Yahweh has reserved for them. You may think that you are free to do EVIL and that you shall escape Judgement, but according to Teachings and Prophecy, ALL persons Living and Dead shall be Judged.

Remember what is EVIL and avoid becoming or following it. The Ignorance of your own actions leads many to EVIL. You are to pursue Intelligence and advance yourselves in Knowledge so you may do what is Righteous in the Eyes of God-Allah-Yahweh.

The Great Prince Michael is sent to Help the Children of God-Allah-Yahweh.

The Messengers of God-Allah-Yahweh have been with us since our very beginnings.

Many of you are seeing the Climate Changes that are happening today, but they are NOT man made. The last message given to US was that the magnetic field of our world would flip.

You think that there is no solution to your technological problems, but there is.

You really need to prepare yourselves for Judgement Day.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. May God-Allah-Yahweh Guide You To Righteousness.

Vehicles Of Heaven.

Vehicles Of Heaven. They have no wings. They have no exhaust. They do not create sonic booms but can instantaneously reach 100,000 miles per hour. They can perform high speed 90 or 180 degree maneuvers. They can go in space, air, and water. They can range in size from 20 ft to 1200-1500 miles. Some people have said they have seen them disappear before their very eyes.

You are just Children to God-Allah-Yahweh and the Citizens of Heaven. Humanity has only had industry for 260 years. God-Allah-Yahweh is possibly millions to billions of years old. You have no comprehension of the Knowledge and Technology that God-Allah-Yahweh possesses. God-Allah-Yahweh can Conquer any person, group, state, nation, or the entire world population, any time he so desires. A fleet of 10 small vehicles can Conquer any Military Force, even the US Military Force. Here are some simple next step technologies to develop.

God-Allah-Yahweh wants you to progress, learn, and advance, with minimal assistance. God-Allah-Yahweh put a plan in effect and has kept us on the path according to his plan. The Day of Judgement is fast approaching and I am trying to prepare all of you for it. It will occur in my lifetime, and I am in my 50’s now. The Sun and moon are rising and setting in different spots from my youth. I am the Prince Michael of the prophecies, and at age 7 I was told I was a Prince and to find my way back. I had no idea of the prophecies pertaining to me until I was around 23. God-Allah-Yahweh has guided, punished, and protected me, for my entire life. I am a poor man with no college education. I served in the US Marines as an air traffic control technician. God-Allah-Yahweh even made sure that the US had no major conflicts as I served. The power of God-Allah-Yahweh is very great. He can control each of you, any time he wishes. I often Thank God-Allah-Yahweh, even though I can not say that I love him. God-Allah-Yahweh is like a strange father that manipulates his children from afar, according to his will/plan. I have a mother and father here on earth, but I am a Freak among the People of Earth. I learn fast, analyze everything, and am obsessed with Star Travel. I have NOT been allowed to become successful, even though I have advanced myself far ahead of the current development of Humanity. I ask for donations now, and hope God-Allah-Yahweh will allow me to receive them, so I can develop a Fuelless Generator that can change your world and then I can use the proceeds of that to develop a stardrive and spaceship. Please help me, God-Allah-Yahweh willing. Thank You.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. Thank You God-Allah-Yahweh.

Save The World.

I am asking for donations to keep these sites operational and to develop a Fuelless Generator that can replace your Wind and Solar technologies. This Fuelless Generator can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. If you want a world that does not use combustible fuels, than this is the first step to that goal. Some designs already exist.

My design is different then the ones shown, and more versatile. Please Donate.

A Time Of Great Trouble.

A Time Of Great Trouble. The Battle of GOOD vs EVIL is being fought all over the world. God-Allah-Yahweh gave US his Commandments and Prophecies through many religions, and spread them to the whole world.

The United States of America is the most advanced nation in the world and it is having some major issues today with EVIL trying to destroy it.

Have you seen the trouble worldwide? Iran attacked Saudi Arabia to disrupt the global economy.

God-Allah-Yahweh is about to Judge all of US. This world is about to become part of the Kingdom of Heaven. EVIL will soon be cleansed from this world because God-Allah-Yahweh has said so.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse Those Who Are EVIL.

God-Allah-Yahweh Save Your Righteous.

God-Allah-Yahweh Save Your Righteous. We see a major hurricane heading towards the USA.

We Pray To God-Allah-Yahweh To Save The Righteous And Destroy The Evil Ones. May God-Allah-Yahweh Turn Away The Hurricane Or Reduce It If There Are Enough Righteous In The Area.

God-Allah-Yahweh Your Wisdom And Power Are Beyond Human Reason. God-Allah-Yahweh If It Be Your Will, Guide The Hurricane To Where The Greatest Number Of Evil Ones Are Located. May The People Of Earth See Your Awesome Power, And May You Direct It Against The EVIL And Unrighteous, So Your Children Will Know Your Will.

God-Allah-Yahweh We Pray You Guide The Worthy To Righteousness And Save As Many Of Your Children As Possible. God-Allah-Yahweh Bring Curses And Plaques Upon Your Enemies Who Lead Your Children To EVIL And Destruction.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Guide Your Righteous Children To You And Heaven. All Praise And Glory To God-Allah-Yahweh, The Only Immortal God And King, Of Heaven And Earth.

The God Of Abraham.

Hebrew Names for God-Allah-Yahweh.
Arabic Names for God-Allah-Yahweh.
English Names for God-Allah-Yahweh and Christian Names.

How is it possible that the God of Abraham, known as Allah to Muslims, known as Yahweh to Jews, and known as God to Christians, can have such different views and teachings from each other ??? The God of Abraham taught one message and teachings. The religious leaders, Mohammed, Moses, and Jesus, gave their people different rules and regulations, which have been twisted into being given by the God of Abraham. Many wars have been religious, and the religious leaders always say that God-Allah-Yahweh is with them and not their opponent. Right and wrong are the concepts that God-Allah-Yahweh taught us. Good and Evil are the concepts that God-Allah-Yahweh taught us. Light and Darkness are the concepts that God-Allah-Yahweh taught us. Understanding and Ignorance are the concepts that God-Allah-Yahweh taught us. God-Allah-Yahweh is an immortal being that is guiding humanity according to his master plan. Compared to us, he is all powerful, and capable of destroying individuals, groups, countries, and even the world, if he so chooses. How many of you can recall strange happenings that have no explanation? A bad car accident, yet everyone walked away unhurt? A stranger that you told you message to help you, and you never see him again? A strange object in the sky, that behaves in a way that defies anything you have seen before? God-Allah-Yahweh works in mysterious ways, but always to his master plan. Praise God-Allah-Yahweh. Love God-Allah-Yahweh. Fear God-Allah-Yahweh. Follow God-Allah-Yahweh. Fight for God-Allah-Yahweh. Ask God-Allah-Yahweh. Be like God-Allah-Yahweh. Become a child of God-Allah-Yahweh. Learn from God-Allah-Yahweh. Seek the truth through God-Allah-Yahweh. Believe in God-Allah-Yahweh. Trust in God-Allah-Yahweh. Recognize the signs given by God-Allah-Yahweh. Make God-Allah-Yahweh proud of you.

You have forgotten who the enemy is.
You are to Avoid Temptation and EVIL.

We give you these things to make you think, so that can improve yourself. God-Allah-Yahweh wants you to become a good person knowing to stay away from evil ways that can consume you and make you unworthy of him, Heaven, or the gifts he has promised. May you follow the path of righteousness and understanding that will bring you closer to God-Allah-Yahweh.

Remember you are to be Judged to Enter.

God-Allah-Yahweh Lead Your Children Along The Path Of Righteousness, And Protect Them From The Children Of Evil And Ignorance.

God-Allah-Yahweh Is Preparing US.

God-Allah-Yahweh Is Preparing US. I do NOT care what religion you are, because many of you believe in God-Allah-Yahweh, and that is what matters. Many religions have been created, and God-Allah-Yahweh is the same for most of them. God-Allah-Yahweh created US and has been guiding our development this entire time. The Plan is long term, and the Patience of God-Allah-Yahweh is immense. Read the Texts and Prophecies of the various religions, and follow the Common Message that Exists in All of them.

Many of you have forgotten that Heaven and Hell are both Real Places that exist in our Reality. Many People have forgotten that Heaven is a place of many blessings and that Hell is a place of many curses. God-Allah-Yahweh does NOT allow you to enter Heaven unless he has Judged you Worthy. Few people have been given this privilege, but some have been taken to Heaven. The stories are recorded in history. The First real harvest will occur when the City of God-Allah-Yahweh arrives. According to the records, its size is a 1200 mile cube. If this ship has a level at each mile, the surface area is 1.728 billion square miles. The surface of the Earth is 196.94 million square miles and the land area of Earth is 57.31 million square miles. This is a very conservative estimate. 912.384 billion square miles if measured with a level every 10 ft. Humanity has no power that can stand against God-Allah-Yahweh and his City. The Fear you shall feel at the sight of this Massive Ship arriving at Earth shall make you understand the Reality of God-Allah-Yahweh and Heaven. God-Allah-Yahweh Be Praised And Obeyed.

God-Allah-Yahweh told us when the EndTimes would arrive. The sun and moon are now rising and setting in different locations then a few years ago. The severe weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and rising sea levels due to melting, were all prophesied thousands of years ago. The messengers of God-Allah-Yahweh also told us about the hole in the ozone, the time of great troubles, and the shift of the magnetic poles. God-Allah-Yahweh has sent many teachers and prophets to instruct you over the years. He sent angels to teach you, and they made themselves gods and they bred with Humanity. God-Allah-Yahweh had to punish them and cleanse the Earth of their offspring.

I grew up in the Christian Roman Catholic faith. When I was seven, I was taken aboard a ship and shown Earth from space. I was told that I was a prince and to find my way back. I was imprinted with the path my life would take for my first 18 years. I have been obsessed with Star Travel ever since and have studied math and science as well as humanity and history. I have developed my knowledge and understanding to accomplish my goal and have been trying to educate Humanity ever since. Here is the simple beginning of that technology.

The time has come for Humanity to advance to the stars, with efficient field drive technology instead of inefficient rocket propulsion technology. The use of two or more coils to create alternating fields should create motion without need for propellants to accomplish it. Most of your existing technologies will become obsolete and inefficient.

I began studying religions after coming out with this technology. I discovered that the great prince Michael was predicted for the future EndTimes and that I may be him. When I started going out with my wife she had an encounter about a month later with a ‘lady in white’ who I now assume was Gabriel. My wife was shown, me in a blue uniform, standing next to a throne. She was also told that she was the only one for me, that I would never cheat on her, and my wife’s period was stopped with a device in the lady’s hand. My wife and I had discussed having children, and I had said to her that I did not know if I was allowed to have them. She asked the ‘lady in white’ if she could talk with me, and she said that she was ‘not allowed to’. My wife told me of the encounter, and said that I ‘get it all’. I had never told my wife that I was a prince. It was a sign for me, that she was to be my princess and companion. I have now been with her over 20 years. I am a poor man and have no college education, but I am a Marine veteran that was trained as an air traffic control communications technician. I have also been told twice in my life that my eyes have glowed, actually emitting light. I must now conclude that I am the great prince Michael predicted for this time. I have begun putting out this information to make the righteous and the unrighteous prepare for the Judgement Day that is coming.

The People of Humanity must Prepare for the Judgement Day. The Righteous must maintain being Righteous. The Unrighteous have the opportunity to change and save themselves. The EVIL ones among US are seeing God-Allah-Yahweh bringing curses and punishments against them so we can save the maximum number possible. God-Allah-Yahweh is the Immortal Ruler of Heaven and Earth.