God-Allah-Yahweh Is Preparing US. I do NOT care what religion you are, because many of you believe in God-Allah-Yahweh, and that is what matters. Many religions have been created, and God-Allah-Yahweh is the same for most of them. God-Allah-Yahweh created US and has been guiding our development this entire time. The Plan is long term, and the Patience of God-Allah-Yahweh is immense. Read the Texts and Prophecies of the various religions, and follow the Common Message that Exists in All of them.

Many of you have forgotten that Heaven and Hell are both Real Places that exist in our Reality. Many People have forgotten that Heaven is a place of many blessings and that Hell is a place of many curses. God-Allah-Yahweh does NOT allow you to enter Heaven unless he has Judged you Worthy. Few people have been given this privilege, but some have been taken to Heaven. The stories are recorded in history. The First real harvest will occur when the City of God-Allah-Yahweh arrives. According to the records, its size is a 1200 mile cube. If this ship has a level at each mile, the surface area is 1.728 billion square miles. The surface of the Earth is 196.94 million square miles and the land area of Earth is 57.31 million square miles. This is a very conservative estimate. 912.384 billion square miles if measured with a level every 10 ft. Humanity has no power that can stand against God-Allah-Yahweh and his City. The Fear you shall feel at the sight of this Massive Ship arriving at Earth shall make you understand the Reality of God-Allah-Yahweh and Heaven. God-Allah-Yahweh Be Praised And Obeyed.

God-Allah-Yahweh told us when the EndTimes would arrive. The sun and moon are now rising and setting in different locations then a few years ago. The severe weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and rising sea levels due to melting, were all prophesied thousands of years ago. The messengers of God-Allah-Yahweh also told us about the hole in the ozone, the time of great troubles, and the shift of the magnetic poles. God-Allah-Yahweh has sent many teachers and prophets to instruct you over the years. He sent angels to teach you, and they made themselves gods and they bred with Humanity. God-Allah-Yahweh had to punish them and cleanse the Earth of their offspring.

I grew up in the Christian Roman Catholic faith. When I was seven, I was taken aboard a ship and shown Earth from space. I was told that I was a prince and to find my way back. I was imprinted with the path my life would take for my first 18 years. I have been obsessed with Star Travel ever since and have studied math and science as well as humanity and history. I have developed my knowledge and understanding to accomplish my goal and have been trying to educate Humanity ever since. Here is the simple beginning of that technology.

The time has come for Humanity to advance to the stars, with efficient field drive technology instead of inefficient rocket propulsion technology. The use of two or more coils to create alternating fields should create motion without need for propellants to accomplish it. Most of your existing technologies will become obsolete and inefficient.

I began studying religions after coming out with this technology. I discovered that the great prince Michael was predicted for the future EndTimes and that I may be him. When I started going out with my wife she had an encounter about a month later with a ‘lady in white’ who I now assume was Gabriel. My wife was shown, me in a blue uniform, standing next to a throne. She was also told that she was the only one for me, that I would never cheat on her, and my wife’s period was stopped with a device in the lady’s hand. My wife and I had discussed having children, and I had said to her that I did not know if I was allowed to have them. She asked the ‘lady in white’ if she could talk with me, and she said that she was ‘not allowed to’. My wife told me of the encounter, and said that I ‘get it all’. I had never told my wife that I was a prince. It was a sign for me, that she was to be my princess and companion. I have now been with her over 20 years. I am a poor man and have no college education, but I am a Marine veteran that was trained as an air traffic control communications technician. I have also been told twice in my life that my eyes have glowed, actually emitting light. I must now conclude that I am the great prince Michael predicted for this time. I have begun putting out this information to make the righteous and the unrighteous prepare for the Judgement Day that is coming.

The People of Humanity must Prepare for the Judgement Day. The Righteous must maintain being Righteous. The Unrighteous have the opportunity to change and save themselves. The EVIL ones among US are seeing God-Allah-Yahweh bringing curses and punishments against them so we can save the maximum number possible. God-Allah-Yahweh is the Immortal Ruler of Heaven and Earth.